Andrea and I usually take one or two trips to Bemidji each year. This year, Rick and Karen, also invited my parents to spend a week at the lake home as well. My parents enthusiastically accepted the invitation and the four of us boarded a red-eye flight to Minneapolis on Tuesday morning. This vacation was going to be an interesting experiment to say the least. Prior to the flight, I had given my parents the rundown of what to expect in Bemidji, MN... lots of lakes, lots of sun, lots of relaxation and not a lot of people around. My father only had one question- "So we're gonna be fishing right?" My mom had a few more practical questions- "Is there electricity?", "Will there be restaurants?", "Is there a Neiman Marcus?" and "No Neiman Marcus! Where will I shop?"
We landed in Minneapolis at 6 AM and rented a car. On our way to Bemidji, we stopped over to have breakfast with Andrea's brother Scott's family. Then it was about a 5 hour drive up north to Bemidji. As we departed the metropolitan city for the country, we passed through small lake towns like, Garrison (population 224) and Jenkins (population 307). I could sense then that my parents were quite unsure of what to expect. As we neared our final destination, Andrea was beginning to get antsy with excitement. I was certainly ready to hang up the car keys and begin my vacation. We left the paved highway for the last mile of dirt road to the lake house. My parents had a look of worry as our Chevy Malibu kicked up dirt on the unpaved narrow road. As we pulled into Rick and Karen's driveway, my parents were delighted to find a regular 2 story house, equipped with all the modern conveniences, like plumbing and electricity. Their eyes were wide open with marvel and joy as they took in the view of the lake from the living room. The Ludtke-Kim vacation had officially started.
Bemidji is known as the home of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. Unfortunately, about 10,000 other towns also try to take credit for that claim to fame. You can see that my parents were trying very hard to look like a couple of locals. Andrea and I, on the other hand, fit right in. (Double click to enlarge all pics)
Living on a lake, Rick and Karen have lots of toys. We took Rick's ski boat out for a cruise around Long Lake. My mom was concerned about motion sickness but after this successful maiden voyage, she took every opportunity to go on the boat. Not once did she lose her visor!
We did a lot of fishing. With Long Lake having no public boat access, we had the whole lake pretty much to our selves. As such, we caught lots of fish. My dad and I used to go fishing all the time when I was young. But it has been about 20 years since my dad had last gone fishing... so he was in fishing heaven!
While this Californian reeled in a huge largemouth bass (I prefer calling it bigmouth bass... thanks to my college days), the local dangled his prized Sunfish. We also caught some Crappies, which we actually kept. My mom, made a spicy Korean fish stew out of them... very delicious!
Andrea and I did a lot of water skiing as well. I learned to water ski a couple of years ago here at Long Lake so I'm still a beginner. Andrea, however, has been water skiing all her life. Here, she is showing off her one ski riding.
But I kick ass in tubing. I can hold on to that doughnut with the best of them. Is that all you've got Rick?
Andrea is gracefully dancing on the lake in her solo ski.Powered by Castpost
I am holding on for my dear life in my double planks. Slow down Rick please!!!
We were able to find time to leave our busy schedule at the lake to do a little sight seeing. We took a day trip to Lake Itasca. The Mississippi River begins it's two thousand three hundred and twenty mile journey to the Gulf of Mexico by overflowing the edge of Lake Itasca. You can actually walk across the Mississippi here.

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