HBO has a new show out that depicts the life of a modern-day Utah polygamist, Bill Henrickson
(played by Bill Paxton) who lives in suburban Salt Lake City with his three wives and seven children. I haven’t seen the show and our cable company, finally after 9 months, cut-off our 3 month free promotional HBO service. So chances are, I will never become a regular viewer of
Big Love. Right or wrong, this show has been getting a lot of media coverage for the obvious reason. Now, I haven’t really spent any time breaking down the ethical moral dogma of this show but I did have a brief blog-worthy self realization moment of how Big Love relates to me that I would like to share.
In modern America, much of life is all about convenience. You want ice cream at 3 AM in the morning on Sunday… BAM!!!
7-ELEVEN is open down the street
(isn’t the name 7-ELEVEN out of date?). Even the most precious thing of our lives, Love, has also become susceptible to the pressures of convenience
(in my opinion). Lonely for love?,
Table for Six, Ukrainian chat rooms, etc… all within a click of a mouse or with the opening of your wallet. Ooops, that wasn’t love? “Good luck… See you later… Where do I sign on this divorce paper?” Very convenient indeed. Thus, it is very precious and extremely fortunate when we are able to discover true love and hold on to it. So what if true love is weird or unconventional or even illegal... isn't it still true love to the beholder? So when Bill Henrickson is able to find not one but three Big Loves, I guess he is truly blessed
(in an illegal, twisted kind of way).

I too have been blessed with three Big Loves. Unlike Bill Henrickson however, they are all legal. Before this week, I only had two loves but this week, I found my third. My first love is my wife, Andrea… no big surprise there. My second love is my dog, Kodi… also very predictable. My third love? My new shower…
Grohe! “I LOVE YOU MAN!!!” After months of construction and delays, our downstairs bathroom remodel project was finally complete. The shower glass door was installed
(3rd time getting the glass cut just right) and after the initial 48 hour drying-out period, I stepped in for the first maiden christening of the shower. As I turned on the main shower, the dual heads came to life and warmed me up from the top of my head to tips of my feet. “Ahhh Grohe… you are so gentle!” With just a little bit of adjusting the angles, I was able to get one shower nozzle on my head and the other on my body. “Ahhh Grohe… you are so versatile!” Don’t like water dripping on your head when conditioning your hair
(yes, I do use conditioner)? I just flipped the arm down and turned the shower heads over for Grohe to become dual body jets. “Ahhh Grohe… you are so flexible!” Not impressed with two shower heads satisfying your every cleansing need? Turn on the hand shower unit and position it for your back for a real-time 360 degrees of aqua nirvana. “Ahhh Grohe… I Love You!”
Andrea, Kodi and now Grohe. I am indeed a lucky man.
Just imagine yourself being caressed by this 3 shower-head aqua sandwich unit every day. I think we need a bigger water heater! As you can see from the picture on right, the dual head arm flips down to transform into a dual head body jet.
So pretty!
1 comment:
Now, that's a shower! Nice!
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