So last Friday, I summoned the boys to celebrate this right of passage, my personal Bar Mitzvah if you will. One last Boys Night Out.

We started our night out at Schroeders in San Francico. Nothing could have been more fitting to symbolize the night than the 2 liter "das boot" to wash down the huge plate of Schnitzel.
Have you ever seen the movie Beerfest?

With the help of the guys, I eventually finished das boot!
We left Schroeders and headed up to my old hangout, the Mucky Duck, where I was joined by more of my friends. As I am told, I really had a lot of fun throughout the night. I really couldn't tell you for this is where both my memory and pictures end. All I know is that I woke up next morning as an adult man who had just let go of his immature youth. I spent the first day of my adult life horribly hungover while Andrea nursed my recovery with care and understanding. And yes... I was wearing my SpongeBob pajamas! Growing up is tougher than I thought!